Looking (Very) forward to a meal — Future of Food

by JLT Asia

By 2050 we’ll need to feed 2 billion more people and global food demand will grow by 70% How will the food on our plates change in the future Will food even be served on plates in the future


Humans have relied on agriculture for food, but with technological advances and a burgeoning demand for food, the farms of the future will need to be more efficient and productive
Here are a few possibilities:
Urban Farms
As nations develop and cities grow, we may see a lot more urban farms in the future
Urban agriculture is a powerful tool for food security as urban farms typically use everything around it as a resource:

  • Residents as labourers
  • Organic waste as .compost
  • Urban wastewater for irrigation

Urban farms are also particularly attractive to environmentally-conscious consumers as they provide food closer to home, thus reducing transportation costs and their related carbon footprint while supplying fresher food
Currently, urban farms are small-scale but new technologies may just make urban agriculture a lot more economically viable, such as Automated Vertical Farms and Aquaponics