May 15, 2023
(4:00 PM - 4:45 PM) (GMT+8)
Across APAC, climate change & extreme weather events are happening at risk managers doorsteps. As risk managers use their expertise amidst climate volatility, restricted terms & conditions, increased retention, price increases and capacity constraints greet each renewal season. This is where parametric products can play a role in corporate insurance programs. Parametric insurance works hand in hand with risk management, offering the fresh capacity, flexibility, and transparency, to meet the distinct needs of corporates in Asia.
Learn more about how parametric Nat Cat cover can solve pain points in your risk management strategy from the first hand experience of Asim Mohammed, Group Insurance Manager at Golden Manufacturers and Robert Drysdale, Head of Southeast Asia at Descartes Underwriting, facilitated by Stephanie Fong, Group Insurance Manager at Dyson. This webinar will cover several case study applications and allow direct interaction with a seasoned corporate insurance buyer of parametric products. Don’t miss your chance to enhance your risk management toolbox.
Tell us a bit about yourself, and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.
We aim to strengthen and enhance the culture of risk management by creating opportunities for education and dialogue within the community.
5 Shenton Way, UIC Building #10-01, Singapore 068808