June 11, 2024
(10:00 AM - 12:30 PM) (GMT +05:30)
Transforming the perspective on insurance among Indian business leaders, emphasizing its value as a shield for the balance sheet rather than solely a financial outlay.
Discover the capital inefficiencies of abysmally low deductibles and how higher deductibles often overlook the risk of unusual aggregation of low-severity losses.
Explore the limitations of both low and high deductible insurance approaches and delve into the potential of a Total Cost of Risk strategy.
Experience sharing on how risk managers in established Asian markets such as Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong have tackled similar challenges through traditional insurance and alternative risk transfer solutions to pave the way forward.
Explore strategies for organisations in India to navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities in the evolving insurance ecosystem.
Tell us a bit about yourself, and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.
We aim to strengthen and enhance the culture of risk management by creating opportunities for education and dialogue within the community.
5 Shenton Way, UIC Building #10-01, Singapore 068808