August 26, 2024
(4:00 PM - 4:45 PM) (GMT+8)
Most of the world’s largest companies have sophisticated captive subsidiaries with capitalisation in millions or even billions. But they all had to start somewhere. Captives have the potential to grow beyond managing traditional insurance risks; they can be customised to deliver solutions that your organisation cannot get protection for anywhere else. This session will explore captives from their basic concepts to advanced applications. We will showcase how they can evolve into essential tools for business resilience (and make a profit too!) radically changing the perception of risk management in the eyes of the C-Suite.
Tell us a bit about yourself, and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.
We aim to strengthen and enhance the culture of risk management by creating opportunities for education and dialogue within the community.
5 Shenton Way, UIC Building #10-01, Singapore 068808