Associate Director, Insurance Management
Minor Hotel Group Limited
Mujalin Boonrod works as Associate Director Insurance Management at Minor Hotel Group Limited. She takes care of both Life & Non, Life Insurance for Minor which has three main Business Units, Minor Hotel Group, Minor Food Group and Minor Lifestyle Group
Mujalin is a focal point on insurance, serving as an internal consultant and reviewing insurance contracts & claims for all business entities worldwide under the Minor Portfolio. She mainly manages insurance for all owned properties – Hotels, Resorts, Serviced Suites, Spas, Shopping Plazas, Dining & Quick-service Restaurants, Lifestyle Outlets, Dairy/ Cheese/ Bakery Factories and Franchisee Businesses in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, China, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Egypt, Seychelles, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, UK, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Botswana, Lesotho, Zambia, Namibia, and South Africa.
She has more than 20 years of experience the industry having been involved in the insurer, broker and risk & insurance manager roles since 1999 after graduating from Marine & Aviation Insurance from the Insurance & Risk Management Faculty of Assumption University, Thailand.
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We aim to strengthen and enhance the culture of risk management by creating opportunities for education and dialogue within the community.