Our Partners
We enjoy the continuous support of partners from a wide array of industries including the leading risk and insurance industry players.
As PARIMA’s partners, you are a part of a unique network driven by the entire Asian risk managers community.
Collaborate with PARIMA to develop seminars, workshops and local events in targeted markets. Get priority access to sponsoring opportunities at PARIMA events. Showcase your technical expertise through speaking engagements at PARIMA events. Leverage on a new communication channel with your markets via a neutral forum.
PARIMA sponsors demonstrate thought leadership through the development and publication of white papers, benchmark surveys, technical reports in conjunction with PARIMA.
Evidence your commitment to raising the professionalism, sophistication and risk orientation of risk & insurance managers in Asia.

Partnership Opportunities

Risk Tools / Databases / Templates

APAC-driven Research & Benchmarks

Best Practice Sharing Through Workshops

Regular Topic / Industry Engagement

Risk Certification and Training